
Road to Cloud Engineer

software, code, networking, cloud, skills, linux, docker, automation, kubernetes, syslog


Foundational Knowledge:

  1. Linux Basics: Start with understanding Linux commands, file system, permissions, and basic scripting.
  2. Networking Fundamentals: Learn about TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, and basic network troubleshooting.
  3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Fundamentals: Get familiar with GCP services, especially Compute Engine, Cloud Logging, Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Automation (e.g., Cloud Functions).

Intermediate Level:

  1. Syslog Analysis: Understand syslog formats, log rotation, log shipping, and aggregation techniques.
  2. Docker Fundamentals: Learn about containerization, Dockerfiles, Docker Compose, and basic Docker commands.
  3. Kubernetes Basics: Dive into Kubernetes concepts like pods, fdeployments, services, and how they relate to your deployment infrastructure.

Advanced Topics:

  1. Automation: Explore tools like Ansible, Terraform, or Google Cloud Deployment Manager for infrastructure provisioning and configuration management.
  2. Kubernetes Orchestration: Learn advanced Kubernetes topics like Persistent Volumes, StatefulSets, RBAC, and Helm charts. Log Analysis Tools: Dive deeper into log analysis tools and techniques, including ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Google Cloud’s Logging and Monitoring tools.

Practical Projects:

Continuous Learning:

Remember, practical experience and hands-on projects are key to mastering these technologies. Start with small projects and gradually move to more complex ones as you gain confidence and expertise.

Linux Basics

The following will detail basic commands of Linux.

  1. Which option with the command “rm” is required to remove a directory?
    • -d
    • -f
    • -r
    • -i

To remove a directory using the rm command, you typically need to use the -r or --recursive option. This option allows rm to recursively remove directories and their contents.

So, the command to remove a directory would be:

rm -r directory_name

Make sure to use this command with caution, as it will remove the specified directory and all its contents permanently.

  1. The command used to display the manual pages for any command is

The command used to display the manual pages for any command is man.

For example, to display the manual page for the ls command, you would type:

man ls

This will open up the manual page for ls within your terminal, allowing you to view detailed information about its usage, options, and examples.

  1. Which of following will show the first 5 lines of the input file

To display the first 5 lines of an input file, you can use several commands in Unix-like systems. Here are some common ones:

head: This command displays the first few lines of a file. By default, it shows the first 10 lines, but you can specify the number of lines with the -n option.

head -n 5 filename

sed: You can use sed (stream editor) to print the first 5 lines.

sed -n 1,5p filename

awk: Similarly, awk can be used to print the first 5 lines.

awk 'NR <= 5' filename

All of these commands will output the first 5 lines of the input file named filename. Choose the one that suits your preferences or is available in your environment.

  1. Which option of “ls” will show the hidden files

The option of the ls command that shows hidden files is -a or --all.

So, to display hidden files along with other files in a directory, you would use:

ls -a

This will list all files, including hidden files and directories, in the current directory.

  1. The command “cat -n file” will

The command “cat -n file” will display the contents of the file with line numbers prepended to each line.

For example, if you have a file named “file” with the following content:


Running the command “cat -n file” would output:

 1  Hello
 2  World

The -n option with the cat command numbers all output lines, starting at 1.

  1. The command “echo -n hello” will

The command “echo -n hello” will print the string “hello” to the terminal without a trailing newline character.

So, if you run:

echo -n hello

You’ll get:


But without the newline character at the end.

  1. The command sort by default sorts

The sort command by default sorts the lines of text files in ascending alphabetical order, treating each line as a single unit.

For example, if you have a file with the following lines:


Running the sort command without any options:

sort filename

Would output:


Alphabetically sorted in ascending order.

  1. Which of the following will list the users who currently logged in in the system

The command that lists the users who are currently logged in on the system is:


This command displays information about users who are currently logged in, including their usernames, terminal, login time, and remote hostname or IP address if applicable.

  1. To change the password of a user we can use the command

To change the password of a user, you can use the passwd command. Here’s the general syntax:

passwd username

Replace username with the name of the user whose password you want to change. After executing this command, you will be prompted to enter and confirm the new password for the specified user.

  1. Which command can be used to view the content of a file in reverse i.e from last line to first.

To view the content of a file in reverse, you can use the tac command, which stands for “reverse cat”. It displays the lines of a file in reverse order, from the last line to the first.

Here’s how you can use it:

tac filename

This command will display the content of the file filename in reverse order, with the last line appearing first and the first line appearing last.


Nonbreaking Changes in Cloud Computing

Nonbreaking changes in cloud computing refer to updates or modifications made to cloud services, infrastructure, or applications that do not disrupt existing functionality or cause downtime for users. These changes are typically implemented seamlessly, without requiring users to make any adjustments to their workflows or configurations.

Examples of nonbreaking changes in cloud computing include:

Overall, nonbreaking changes are essential for ensuring the reliability, performance, and security of cloud services while minimizing disruption to users.

Multizonal Machine Types in Cloud Computing

Multizonal machine types in cloud computing typically refer to virtual machine instances that are deployed across multiple availability zones within a cloud provider’s infrastructure. Availability zones are distinct data centers within a geographical region that are isolated from each other to provide redundancy and fault tolerance.

When you deploy a multizonal machine type, your virtual machine instance is automatically replicated across multiple availability zones within the same region. This redundancy ensures high availability and fault tolerance because if one availability zone experiences an outage or failure, the workload can seamlessly failover to instances running in other availability zones without disruption to your services.

Multizonal machine types are commonly used for mission-critical applications and services that require high availability and reliability. By distributing instances across multiple availability zones, you can minimize the risk of downtime due to hardware failures, network issues, or other localized failures.

Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure offer multizonal machine types as part of their compute services, allowing users to deploy resilient and highly available applications in the cloud.

Specialized Hardware Augmentation in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Setting specialized hardware, such as GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) or TPUs (Tensor Processing Units), in the context of augmenting Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), involves configuring your Kubernetes cluster to leverage these hardware accelerators for specific workloads.

Here’s what it means in more detail:

In both cases, setting specialized hardware in GKE involves provisioning the appropriate hardware resources in your cluster, configuring your Kubernetes nodes to recognize and utilize these resources, and deploying containerized workloads that are designed to take advantage of the accelerated computing capabilities provided by GPUs or TPUs.

By leveraging specialized hardware accelerators in GKE, you can improve the performance and efficiency of your containerized applications, particularly those with demanding computational requirements, such as machine learning, scientific computing, and data analytics.

Load Balancing in Cloud Computing

Load balancing is a crucial concept in computing, particularly in the context of networking and distributed systems. It refers to the process of distributing incoming network traffic across multiple servers or resources in a balanced manner to optimize resource utilization, ensure high availability, and enhance the overall performance of a system.

Here’s how load balancing typically works:

Load balancing can be implemented at various layers of the network stack, including:

Overall, load balancing plays a critical role in ensuring the reliability, scalability, and performance of modern distributed systems and web applications, allowing them to efficiently handle large volumes of traffic and provide a seamless user experience.

HTTPS Load Balancing, URL Mapping, and Proxy Load Balancing

HTTPS load balancing, URL mapping, and proxy load balancing are all techniques used to manage and distribute incoming network traffic in a balanced and efficient manner. Let’s break down each term:

HTTPS Load Balancing:

HTTPS load balancing is a type of load balancing that operates at the application layer (Layer 7 of the OSI model) and is specifically designed to handle HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) traffic. It involves distributing incoming HTTPS requests among multiple backend servers or resources based on various factors such as server health, load, and proximity to the client.

Key features of HTTPS load balancing include:

incoming traffic.

URL Mapping:

URL mapping, also known as path-based routing, is a feature of load balancers that allows you to route incoming requests to different backend services or server groups based on the URL path of the request. With URL mapping, you can configure the load balancer to inspect the URL of each incoming request and forward it to the appropriate backend based on predefined rules.

Key points about URL mapping include:

Proxy Load Balancing:

Proxy load balancing involves using a proxy server or a reverse proxy to distribute incoming requests among multiple backend servers or resources. The proxy server acts as an intermediary between clients and backend servers, forwarding requests from clients to the appropriate backend server based on predefined routing rules.

Key characteristics of proxy load balancing include:

Overall, HTTPS load balancing, URL mapping, and proxy load balancing are essential components of modern networking architectures, providing scalability, reliability, and security for distributed applications and services.

TCP/UDP and Network Load Balancing

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are two of the most common transport layer protocols used for communication over the internet and computer networks. TCP provides reliable, connection-oriented communication with features such as error checking, flow control, and congestion control. UDP, on the other hand, is a simpler, connectionless protocol that offers minimal error checking and no built-in mechanisms for reliability or flow control.

Network load balancing, often implemented at the transport layer (Layer 4 of the OSI model), involves distributing incoming TCP or UDP traffic across multiple servers or resources in a balanced manner to optimize resource utilization and enhance the overall performance and availability of a networked service.

Here’s how TCP/UDP and network load balancing work together:


Network Load Balancing:

Transport Layer Load Balancing: Network load balancers operate at the transport layer (Layer 4) of the OSI model, where they can inspect incoming TCP or UDP packets and make routing decisions based on factors such as server load, availability, and health. These load balancers use algorithms such as round-robin, least connections, or weighted least connections to distribute traffic among backend servers in a balanced manner.

Benefits: Network load balancing improves the scalability, availability, and reliability of networked services by evenly distributing incoming traffic across multiple servers or resources. It helps prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed with requests, reduces response times for clients, and provides fault tolerance in case of server failures or network issues.

In summary, TCP/UDP are transport layer protocols used for communication over the internet and computer networks, while network load balancing involves distributing incoming TCP or UDP traffic across multiple servers or resources to optimize performance and availability.

Writes in Cloud Computing

In cloud computing, “writes” typically refer to data write operations, which involve storing or updating information in cloud-based storage services, databases, or other data repositories. Writes are essential for applications to persistently save data and maintain the consistency and integrity of stored information.

Here’s how writes work in different components of cloud computing:

Storage Services:


Caching and Queuing:

In summary, writes in cloud computing involve storing or updating data in various storage services, databases, caching systems, or message queues. These write operations are fundamental for building scalable, reliable, and performant cloud-based applications and services.




Load Balancer:


VPN (Virtual Private Network):


API (Application Programming Interface):

Serverless Computing and Architecture:

Serverless Database:

Serverless Computing Frameworks:

Serverless Orchestration:

Serverless Security:

Serverless Architecture Patterns:


High Availability:




DNS (Domain Name System):

Model (in Cloud Computing):

Object (in Cloud Computing):

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

Data Replication:

Hybrid Cloud:


Cloud Migration:

Cloud Storage:

Disaster Recovery:

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

Identity and Access Management (IAM):

Cost Optimization:

Cloud-Native Security:

Data Governance:

Immutable Infrastructure:

Federated Identity:

Immutable Infrastructure as Code:

Chaos Engineering:


Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

Infrastructure as Code (IaC):

Service Mesh:

Cloud-Native Monitoring:

Encryption at Rest:

Data Loss Prevention (DLP):

Zero Trust Security Model:

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA):

Compliance as Code:

Cloud-Native Networking:

Data Masking:

Cloud-Native Database:

Cloud-Native Storage:

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