
Image analysis with Adobe Lightroom?

Software, Adobe, Sorting

Adobe Lightroom Hero

Is there photo analysis software which will pre-sort images by identifying potential technical problems?

StackExchange Thread

Adobe Lightroom for image analysis, the pros & cons.

Able to do multiple things that would speed up and alter the workflow of image analysis - in a positive way, sync between two different clients, face detection and ability to easily transition into Adobe’s other programs like Adobe Photoshop.

CON: Another thing to download. Adobe Lightroom Hero Adobe Lightroom Hero PRO: Face detection; significant because we want faces for most of what we want and would prefer to use, over silhouettes or other more abstract iconics.

CON: Have to make sure it’s the artists face and not just an actor in the video or a random?

Q: Can Face detection be run on one machine and then sync results to other Lightrooms?

A: PRO: Syncing between different Lightroom users is a feature.

Adobe Lightroom Hero PRO: Sync files between clients, deleting from one users Lightroom syncs it across multiple lightrooms.

Adobe Lightroom Hero PRO: be able to flag videos with - flagged or rejected; defaults as unflagged and then it gives you the ability to delete all rejected, speeding up workflow.

Adobe Lightroom Gif

Pros Cons
Face detection Face Detection could make more work; unfamiliar to artists
Sync files between clients Another thing to download.
Flag frames, with flagged/rejected flags Associated costs for enterprise: $40 per license
Faster workflow for deleting flagged images.  

The real questions to ask is if this is right for what you’re looking to do. For me when I needed it to sort frames for videos, I felt it was sufficient for multiple editors, the ease of learning the program, and workflow speed increases, and for the reasons listed above.

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